
Archive for the ‘日本’ Category

惠比壽麝香葡萄【麝香葡萄~來自好萊塢的問候~ 香港版

2011 年 10 月 09 日 發表留言

惠比壽麝香葡萄【麝香葡萄~來自好萊塢的問候~ 香港版

(CD + DVD)香港版



分類:香港, 日本 標籤:


2011 年 10 月 08 日 發表留言

8.10.2011 11:30am 西九龍中心一樓大堂
嘉賓  : 吉澤明步、麻美由真、希崎 Jessica

現凡持有此香港版大碟並帶同 [惠比壽麝香葡萄亞洲巡迴演唱會香港站]任何價錢門票即可參加惠比壽麝香葡萄香港宣傳活動,與麻美、吉澤明步、Jessica見面和握手!


分類:香港, News, 日本 標籤:


2011 年 08 月 01 日 發表留言

日本女歌手中島愛昨日於動漫節舉行的簽名會,吸引大班fans捧場,但大會規矩多多,除只設五十名額簽名外,更不准拍照。不過,中島愛亦先後兩次用廣東話冧fans,起初冇人聽得明,後來她改用英文I Love You回報fans,完場前更第二次用廣東話說:「多謝大家畀美好時光我,下次再見。」第二次來港的中島愛透露有趁機會遊太平山頂欣賞夜景,並大讚香港夜景猶如一粒寶石般美。



分類:香港, News, 日本

真野恵里菜10單3款6月29日發行 Erina Mano reveals jacket covers for “My Days for You”!

2011 年 06 月 11 日 發表留言


< 6月10日>・真野恵里菜 写真集『MANO DAYS~二十歳の初恋~』発売記念トーク&握手会 in 大阪
真野恵里菜、10枚目のメモリアル・シングルのテーマは”感謝” 真野恵里菜、通算10枚目のシングルは、20歳の誕生日を迎えて初めてのシングルでもあり、彼女のターニングポイントとなるような楽曲に仕上がった! 今回のテーマは、ずばり”感謝”。今、こうして生きていること、大好きな歌を歌っていられること、全ての事柄に対して、彼女が感じている感謝のメッセージを歌い上げる。作曲とコーラスを担当したのは、シンガーソングライターの中島卓偉。これまでの"アイドル・真野恵里菜"とは一味違う、爽やかなメロディが胸に響く!!
Source: CD Japan
by kurumion June 8, 2011
&ltp&gtUse a Flash Player to play Video from YOUKU – http://sites.google.com/site/annuairevin/flash-reader</p&gt;
Hello! Project soloist Mano Erina has just unveiled the official jacket covers for her upcoming single, “My Days for You“!
Each cover features different pictures of “Manoeri” instead of being variations of the same one; all of them reflect the singer’s innocent sweetness.
Check out the covers below!

Single V

Version A (CD+DVD)

Version B (CD+DVD)


黑木梅莎 Meisa Kuroki’s new single “Wired Life” chosen as ending theme for青の祓魔師 “Ao no Exorcist”

2011 年 06 月 11 日 發表留言



Source + Photos: Oricon
by amapion June 4, 2011
Actress-singer Kuroki Meisa’s 5th single “Wired Life” has been picked up as the ending theme to anime “Ao no Exorcist“, which is currently airing on TBS. The song, Meisa’s first to be featured in an anime since her 2008 debut, will go on air beginning July 10th, and the single is expected to be released sometime in September.

It seems that Kuroki was chosen for the anime because of her music’s ability to convey the strength of humanity and the bond between people. She accepted the offer and created the song with the help of producer Nao’ymt (pronounced “Na-oh-Y-M-T”), who has worked with artists such as Amuro Namie and CHEMISTRY.
Kuroki Meisa’s charm and strength as a human being relates to our main character who goes against all odds to strengthen himself and his friends.”, said the anime’s producer. “‘Wired Life’ is the kind of song that widens your view of the world, and I am very thankful for that”, he added, expressing his gratitude.

“Ao no Exorcist” is based on the popular manga by Kato Kazue, and it has been published monthly in the manga magazine “Jump SQ.” (Shueisha) since 2009. Six volumes have been published, and more than three million copies have been sold.

分類:日本 標籤: