
Posts Tagged ‘仲間由紀惠’

TVXQ 東方神起(允浩 昌珉) 再始動第1彈: 仲間由紀惠主演日本火曜劇「美しい鄰人」の主題歌

2010 年 12 月 17 日 發表留言


Preview of TVXQ’s Yunho and Changmin track for Japanese drama, “Beautiful Neighbors”
by GhostWriter on December 14, 2010
A track from TVXQ Yunho and Changmin’s Japanese single would be used for the J-drama ‘Beautiful Neighbors / Utsukushi Rinjin‘ OST / soundtrack.
Recently, a CM (commercial) for the drama aired and the CM used the track ‘torn’ as the background music.

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