
Posts Tagged ‘T-ara’

T-ara’s 효민孝敏 藝能終結者 打開電視就會出現 Hyomin chosen as the healthiest female idol

2011 年 02 月 11 日 發表留言


孝敏以出演2月2日放送的KBS-2TV《big star X file》為開始,出演了MBC春節特輯《idol的帝王》,KBS-2TV《idol 健康美女 選拔大會》.3日又在KBS-2TV《global star 青白戰》,MBC《2011 star dance 大對決》,SBS《star couple 最強戰》,KBS-2TV《idol brain 大對決》裡展現了自己.不只這些,孝敏又意氣風發的出演了4日的MBC《idol star 7080 歌手王》,KBS-2TV《演藝人 福不福 馬拉松 大會》,5日的MBC《idol 田徑 游泳 選手權 大會》.這次春節連休期間放送的特輯節目達到了20餘個.這中間孝敏因出演了12個成為了冉冉升起的藝能終結者.

Source: Xportsnews, Sports Chosun, Newsen via Nate
by VITALSIGN on February 3, 2011
On February 2nd, T-ara’s Hyomin beat out the other female celebrities to become the healthiest idol star for KBS’s “Idol Health Beauty Contest“.’아이돌 건강 미녀 선발대회’
Test results showed that Hyomin had the straightest spine and cleanest blood, which earned her double crowns for the two categories.

Flustered at the unexpected results, Hyomin thanked her parents in her awards speech. “I’d like to thank my mother and father for giving me such a straight spine and clear blood. I think my parents will be extremely happy when they see this broadcast.”
She did, however, suffer a downside. Test results for her skin revealed that they actually added five years to her age. Hyomin explained, “My skin is normally very sensitive. I think the results came out like that because I often stay up all night attending to schedules.”

Meanwhile, fellow T-ara member Jiyeon was chosen as the idol star with the worst hair and spine.
Although she’s only 17, test results showed that her hair was ‘34 years of age’. Furthermore, they revealed that she was balding at the top. Fortunately, the singer received hair products from the show to help manage the situation.

T-ara孝敏綻放了可愛的“自拍”(self camera=selca)吸引了大家的目光.孝敏最近在自己的twitter裡上傳了小巧玲瓏一樣,裝可愛的,融入了多樣性表情的命名為照片“裝可愛4種自拍”並急速的傳播開了,在線民和網站上成為了話題.

T-ara 孝敏,“裝可愛4種自拍”引人注目
T-ara和勇敢兄弟合作的單曲“Beautiful girl”預計在本月10日通過線上音樂網站進行銷售.

『Breaking Heart』首波主打單曲「Bo Peep Bo Peep」是一首旋律輕快的Hook風舞曲,歌詞意淺卻能清楚表達出歌曲的訴求,「B­o Peep Bo Peep」的重覆朗誦就像小貓撒嬌般的黏膩可愛,簡單好記的舞步加上超卡哇伊的貓咪造­型,果然馬上就在南韓造成一股『小貓舞』的模仿風潮,同時登上南韓兩大音樂排行榜並蟬­連三周冠軍,可謂將T-ARA的音樂之路推上巔峰。
「為你瘋狂」是由南韓著名的音樂製作人曹永秀、金泰賢以及知名人氣歌手輝星所共同完成­的POP舞曲。強烈的節奏、重覆的歌詞及旋律、流行的電音元素加上聲音的特殊處理,結­合瘋狂大膽的求愛告白,是一首具備完整中毒特質的HITO歌曲。T-ARA在此首單曲­中,有別「Bo Peep Bo Peep」中的可愛造型,以惡魔的誘惑為主題,帶來一種全新的性感冶豔形象。在視覺與­聽覺上的雙重華麗打造下,隨即再度登上排行榜冠軍,著實延續T-ARA的熱潮,奠定了­T-ARA在南韓樂壇的地位。
『Breaking Heart』是一張融合多元曲風的超值音樂專輯。其中「我好痛」是一首帶點Tort味­道的復古電音舞曲,以悲傷為訴求的歌詞,表達愛情帶來的傷痛讓人痛苦不堪。在「我好痛­」一曲中,T-ARA一樣不負眾望地以『領帶舞』帶來了一種帥氣的全新感受。「謊言」­為T-ARA正式出道的第一首單曲,同樣為超級音樂人曹永秀擔任製作,共有Dance­和Slow兩種版本,一快一慢演繹出不同風格的感傷。「T.T.L」及「T.T.L Listen.2」是由T-ARA與同門師兄團體超新星所共同演唱,嘻哈混搭電子音的­曲風,動感的旋律讓人印象深刻,同時也為初出道的T-ARA累積了不少人氣。
T-ARA專輯在南韓未發行先轟動,網友們一致票選推荐曲「就像第一次」,是一首歌詞­甜美、曲風輕快的動感歌曲,雖然在T-ARA的眾多好歌當中無法登上第一主打歌曲,但­在音樂錄影帶推出後還是仍然受到歌迷們的喜愛。T-ARA在「Apple is A」中再次帶來了甜美可人的形象,歌詞是對情人的魅力無法抵擋的宣言,是一首有如童話­故事中公主遇見王子的甜蜜情歌。「好人」原本是收錄在南韓劇「男版灰姑娘」電視原聲帶中­,『Breaking Heart』專輯中同樣沒錯過這首精彩動人的抒情歌曲,令人痛徹心扉的歌詞與曲調,T­-ARA著實將歌唱實力發揮得淋漓盡致。
「One & One」、「Tic Tic Toc」、「Bye Bye」、「你你你」及「要玩玩看嗎?」一首首膾炙人口的單曲,當中全都缺少不了當今­最流行的音樂元素;「Falling U」則是一首有點美式的抒情歌曲,在這首歌當中T-ARA完美展現了組合的合聲演唱實­力,意外地成為非主打歌曲當中最受歌迷喜愛的歌曲。
『Breaking Heart』豪華影音雙碟盤,有別於南韓版的專輯,除了完整收錄16首人氣暢銷單曲外­,更特別收錄了「Bo Peep Bo Peep」、「為你瘋狂」兩首中文字幕MV、32頁全彩寫真中、韓文歌詞本及T-AR­A正妹小檔案,讓台灣的『Citrine』能夠搶先珍藏!南韓首選正妹天團T-ARA­正式登台,超Q『招財小貓舞』魅力席捲全台將指日可待!

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티아라 T-ara to release a new digital single with Brave Brothers

2011 年 02 月 03 日 發表留言


Source: Bugs!
by phenom on January 28, 2011
According to the Korean online music site, Bugs!, T-ara is scheduled to release a new digital single with Brave Brothers on February 10th called, “T-ara: Brave Brothers Project“.

Brave Brothers, a.k.a. Kang Dong Cheol, is one of Korea’s top producers who has worked with many big-name artists like Big Bang, Son Dam Bi, After School, Davichi, U-KISS, Jay Park, etc. With this being the first collaboration between Brave Brothers and T-ara, many are interested in what kind of song Brave Brothers has envisioned for T-ara.

T-ara’s Eunjung reveals herself to be an avid fan of Jang Giha and Faces

Source: Star News via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 27, 2011
T-ara’s Eunjung revealed herself to be a hardcore fan of the famous band ‘장기하와 얼굴들Jang Giha and Faces‘ by leaving a heartwarming series of fan tweets, as well as a personal letter towards the band.
On January 27th, she tweeted, “Jang Giha and Faces, if for just one day I cannot listen to their songs, I lose strength. How do I phrase this… their music is like a book for your mind and soul. A book that is like a strong pillar of support that helps you stand your ground.”
She continued, “Their characteristic beats don’t have a set rhythm and raise my fun gauge so well. I bought the songs ‘I Left Something Important in the Room of the one I Broke Up With,’ ‘An Alien Will Abduct Me,’ and ‘Space Behind Your Mom‘ for my mini-homepage.”
Eunjung then left a letter to Jang Giha by writing, “To Jang Giha oppa. I’m not writing this in promotion, for real. For just once, wear what you usually wear, your jeans and converse, a hoodie… and perform. You look 15.4x younger and more handsome. They say your album has sold out, but could I not buy any that are in your office?… How about an autograph?”
Jang Giha personally responded to her message by tweeting back, “Thank you. I’ll give you one next time. With our first and second album together. In March, we’re even releasing our third album.” Eunjung replied, “That’s great. But like promised, please let me listen to your second album. Otherwise I’ll sit in front of your office wearing a mask.”
Onlooking netizens comented, “Eunjung must really be a fan,” “Even idols are fans of artists, very cool,” and “I want to see Eunjung wearing a mask in front of his office!”
T-ara celebrates Korean New Year with the Moon brothers on “Hello Baby”

Source: Newsen via Nate
by VITALWARNING on January 25, 2011
On this week’s episode of KBS Joy’s ‘T-ara’s Hello Baby’, T-ara created dumplings with the three Moon brothers in celebration of the Korean New Year.
Fierce competition was seen amongst the members of T-ara during this episode, as each member was given the task to create their dumplings with their own thought-out concept.
To begin, member Hwa Young proudly held up her ginormous dumplings and stated, “My dumplings were made for samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng). These dumplings contain chicken in them.”
Soyeon quickly refuted Hwa Young’s explanation, as she said, “It’s bad to lie on broadcast. We didn’t even buy chicken as an ingredient…”
Meanwhile, the episode also showed the Moon brothers visiting Boram at her musical.

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티아라韓服賀新春 T-ara reveals their New Year’s wishes and plans

2011 年 02 月 03 日 發表留言


Source: DongA Ilbo via Nate
by VITALSIGN on January 31, 2011
Wearing lovely hanboks (traditional Korean dresses), the members of T-ara got together in celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.
Despite the fact that they filmed for an ad all day, the girls brightened up when they revealed that this was the first time in a month that all seven members were able to see each other since they wrapped up their album promotions.
The upcoming holiday is especially important to T-ara because they’ve received a week-long break from their schedules. Since they received only a day for last year’s Chuseok, the girls are determined to make it last.
Soyeon stated,“It’s the first time we’ve received such a long break, and it was unexpected so now I’m wondering how to spend it. I’ll be going home no matter what and catch up on my sleep, then spend some time with my family. I want to return to being a regular person and watch movies and drink coffee with my friends.”
Hyomin revealed, “My immediate family is the oldest, and I’m the eldest daughter as well, so we have to make all of the food. My cooking skills? I’m pretty good. During last year’s Chuseok, I went home late at night and was extremely sorry for only sleeping through everything, but I’m going to make sure I play the role of the eldest this time.”

Unfortunately for Eunjung, she had no idea that they had even received a break due to her busy schedule with KBS 2TV’s “Dream High” and only found out on-set today.
The filming schedule is kind of tight so I’m not sure whether I can rest. I want to at least head home for a day and eat rice cake soup with my family. Even if I can’t, I won’t be disappointed. Being loved as an actress is something great in itself.”
When asked about New Year’s cash gifts, the members showed a mature side by saying that they’d be giving gifts to their parents, and not the other way around.
Leader Boram replied, “I’m going to be writing a letter to my parents with everything I was too shy to say up front. I’m not good at expressing myself, so I hope my feelings are delivered.”
Hyomin will be preparing another special gift alongside a cash gift. “I bought my parents shoes before and they loved it. They didn’t act like it when I first gave it to them, but it felt good when they came to visit me wearing the shoes. I’m going to be giving them something eye-catching this time.”
T-ara is also preparing for their biggest year since their debut, as the girls are planning to join the Hallyu Wave over in Japan this April.
Jiyeon commented, “It’s something we’ve dreamed of, and we’ve prepared a lot, so we just have to show it all. I want us to be loved as much as we are loved in Korea. I’m confident in that.”
Qri added, “I’m so excited, I can’t even sleep. Sometimes we’ll even stay up all night talking about our Japanese promotions. We’ll be going step by step in order to prevent mistakes. All of our language skills are about in the middle so there shouldn’t be any huge problems.”

Boram continued, “Having rested, I now realize how good it feels to be busy. It felt good coming back earlier this month after resting for a while after ‘Crazy Because of You.’ Even if it’s difficult, it’s more fun being busy and exciting as well in being able to try new things.”
Asked to choose their final New Year’s wish, Boram chose, “I want a boyfriend that I communicate well with. It’d be nice to have someone I can talk to, but since I have a lot of girl friends, I want a cool boyfriend.”

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T-Ara 前任隊長恩靜Eun Jung, 智妍Ji Yeon and Davichi 姜敏京Kang Min Kyung for Love Songs 最新"戀歌"合輯封面人物

2010 年 12 月 17 日 發表留言


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sk 티아라 T-ara unleashes “TEMPTASTIC” 2nd mini-album

2010 年 12 月 04 日 發表留言


Label: CORE Content
Mnet Media
Release Date : 2010/12/1

T-ara silenced doubters with their fabulous first album, which produced multiple dance hits, and they’ve sealed their talent and popularity with leading roles in dramas, movies, and variety shows. Now one of Korea’s top pop groups, T-ara are back with a new member – Hwa Young – and the new mini-album Temptastic. Another well-produced ultra-catchy dance hit from the girls, the lead track "Why Are You Being Like This" has already gotten plenty of airplay. There’s more tempting pop beats to come with the main track yayaya from hitmaker E-Tribe.
01. yayaya – 타이틀

02. 왜 이러니 Why Are You Being Like This

I had high expectations to this new member Hwayoung(류화영 Twin sister Ryu Hyoyoung from the group of Co-Ed School) , but all she did was to rap a few parts.
wae ireoni wae ireoni wae ireoni
nuneul kkambakkkambak mami jjiritjjirit tteollini
sum makhini aetani naege puk ppajyeonni
Oops Oops Baby bori tteugeotteugeo Hot tteugeo
anirani ttansori jeongmal ireol geoni
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh neoreul saranghae Like crazy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh teojil geot gateun ne mameul boyeojwo
wae ireoni wae ireoni jeongmal wae wae wae ireoni
eotteokhae dapdaphae geuman naege naege wae irae
aljannni aljannni nae mam da da da aljannni
saranghae johahae ije naege malhae baboya
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Love me Love me Baby maeil neoman neoman saenggakhae
dalkomhan Kiss! SOS! nareul guhaejwo Boy
Call me Call me Baby gaseum dugeundugeun moksori
noganaeryeo ajjilhae naege ppajyeobwa Boy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh neoreul saranghae Like crazy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh teojil geot gateun ne mameul boyeojwo
wae ireoni wae ireoni jeongmal wae wae wae ireoni
eotteokhae dapdaphae geuman naege naege wae irae
aljannni aljannni nae mam da da da aljannni
saranghae johahae ije naege malhae baboya
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
wae tto jangnanchyeo geureoda dachyeo urireul uyeonjjeumirago saenggakhaji ma
You’re my boy unmyeongeul geoseureujin ma
oneuldo yeoksi Baby Knock Knock, Knock Knock Oh
You know my style gyesok ireomyeon amuri jabado Say good bye
(wae ireoni wae ireoni wae ireoni)
wae ireoni wae ireoni jeongmal wae ireoni
eotteokhae dapdaphae geuman nae naege wae irae
aljanhni aljanhni aljanhni nae mam dad a da aljanhni
saranghae johahae ije naege malhae baboya
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Can you hear my knock knock, All I want is you you
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock

왜 이러니 왜 이러니 왜 이러니
눈을 깜박깜박 맘이 찌릿찌릿 떨리니
숨 막히니 애타니 내게 푹 빠졌니
Oops Oops Baby 볼이 뜨거뜨거 Hot 뜨거
아니라니 딴소리 정말 이럴 거니
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh 너를 사랑해 Like crazy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh 터질 것 같은 네 맘을 보여줘
왜 이러니 왜 이러니 정말 왜 왜 왜 이러니
어떡해 답답해 그만 내게 내게 왜 이래
알잖니 알잖니 내 맘 다 다 다 알잖니
사랑해 좋아해 이제 내게 말해 바보야
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Love me Love me Baby 매일 너만 너만 생각해
달콤한 Kiss! SOS! 나를 구해줘 Boy
Call me Call me Baby 가슴 두근두근 목소리
녹아내려 아찔해 내게 빠져봐 Boy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh 너를 사랑해 Like crazy
OhOhOh OhOh Oh Oh 터질 것 같은 네 맘을 보여줘
왜 이러니 왜 이러니 정말 왜 왜 왜 이러니
어떡해 답답해 그만 내게 내게 왜 이래
알잖니 알잖니 내 맘 다 다 다 알잖니
사랑해 좋아해 이제 내게 말해 바보야
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
왜 또 장난쳐 그러다 다쳐 우리를 우연쯤이라고 생각하지 마
You’re my boy 운명을 거스르진 마
오늘도 역시 Baby Knock Knock, Knock Knock Knock Oh
You know my style 계속 이러면 아무리 잡아도 Say good bye
(왜 이러니 왜 이러니 왜 이러니)
왜 이러니 왜 이러니 정말 왜 왜 왜 이러니
어떡해 답답해 그만 내게 내게 왜 이래
알잖니 알잖니 내 맘 다 다 다 알잖니
사랑해 좋아해 이제 내게 말해 바보야
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Can you hear my knock knock, All I want is you you
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Can you hear me now)
Knock Knock Knock Knock (Just wanna love you now)
Welcome to your wonderland, Everyday I Knock Knock
Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
Knock Knock Knock Knock
03. Ma boo

04. 몰라요 I Don’t Know

05. 괜찮아요 I’m Okay

06. yayaya [Inst.]
T-ara reveals ‘Yayaya’ music video!
by Casper on November 30, 2010
T-ara will be making their comeback with a title track produced by E-TRIBE, the composer behind SNSD’s “Gee” and Hyori’s “U-Go-Girl.”
The group will be revealing their full mini-album and music video for “Yayaya” on the morning of December 1st through Mnet.com.
T-ara’s “Yayaya” is an impressive pop dance track that features an addictive melody and fresh lyrics. The mini-album consists of a total of six different tracks composed by various Korean hitmakers such as Kim Do Hoon, Lee Sang Ho, E-TRIBE, and Shinsadong Tiger.
T-ara will be holding their comeback stage on KBS’s “Music Bank” following the release of their mini-album on the 3rd.
Yayaya是由製作少女時代Gee和李孝利U-Go-Girl的製作人E-TRIBE所製作的!這首歌曲是有著強烈印象的pop dance ,除了E-TRIBE之外,這張專輯也請到了新寺洞老虎Kim Do Hoon和Lee Sang Ho等知名音樂人參與製作!這張專輯一共收入六首歌曲
T-ara reveals comeback concept photos
by heartfacee on November 21, 2010
Source: Star News
T-ara has finally uncovered their comeback concept photos as a 7-member girl group.
The photos give off a luxurious, and at the same time, quirky feel, with the medieval and Pocahontas concept leaving many fans guessing over what their upcoming 2nd mini-album will sound like.
Fans will just have to wait one more day, as the group will release their title track, ”Why Are You Being Like This‘, as well as their music video on November 23rd. Both the title track and the MV will be made available through Mnet.com and GOMTV.
Their comeback album will be released on the 29th, and the first comeback performance will be on December 3rd through ‘Music Bank‘, so stay tuned for more updates!
Meanwhile, check out all the photos below!

Girl group T-ara has endorsed supply store Morning Glory Premium’s new line that is centered around the group.T-ara 為他們喜愛使用的 “韓國創意館"供應商(相簿 筆記本)新商品進行代言.
The premium line will be designed by T-ara members, and include their writing and pictures.這些精美商品是由女孩們設計, 包括他們的心情日記 和 照片.
Morning Glory’s rep said, “Morning Glory Premium and T-ara’s collaboration will make T-ara appeal more to female consumers and attract male consumers.”"韓國創意館"的代表說 “ 這次韓國創意館 和 T-ara 合作的商品 符合更多女性顧客的訴求, 並吸引更多男性消費者. "
No matter what, those products are worth buying just for these adorable photos.無論如何~ 別說產品, 光是看到這些可愛的照片 就值得購買呢 !!!

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