
Posts Tagged ‘濱崎步’


2011 年 05 月 25 日 發表留言



新加坡攝影師 Leslie Kee將推出慈善寫真集《 LOVE& HOPE》,為日本災民籌款,當中收集 200名女星如 Lady GaGa等的照片,日本天后濱崎步更成為該寫真的封面女郎。寫真集推出兩款封面,一款是步姐以手遮胸的半裸照(圖),另一款則是步姐嫁人前的長髮 look。 Leslie過往曾以電腦執走郭富城照片中的泳褲,又曾將張栢芝陳年性感照放上網

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濱崎步將演唱PS3電玩テイルズ オブ エクシリア時空幻境:無盡傳奇 主題曲 Ayumi Hamasaki to sing theme song for PS3 game, “Tales of Xillia”

2011 年 01 月 15 日 發表留言


by hellcat on December 30, 2010
Although she’s certainly enjoying the success of her latest album, “Love songs“, Japan’s pop queen is always down for releasing new material. Ayumi Hamasaki has been chosen to provide the theme song for the upcoming PS3 game, “Tales of Xillia“.
The title of the song and its release date have yet to be revealed, although it’s likely that the single’s release will coincide with “Tales of Xillia”, which is projected for some time in 2011.
“Tales of Xillia” is Bandai’s 15th “Tales” anniversary title. Ayumi Hamasaki is one of many artists who have provided a theme song for the series, which includes two contributions from Hamasaki’s labelmate, misono.

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濱崎步國立代々木競技場跨年演唱會付費網路直播 Ayumi Hamasaki to air 「Countdown Live」 on Ustream!

2011 年 01 月 01 日 發表留言


by Novaforever on December 24, 2010
「ayumi hamasaki COUNTDOWN LIVE 2010-2011 A ~do it again~」Ustream Details
Stream Date
January 1st – OPEN 1:00 / START 3:00 (planned)
Stream Costs
・Regular:3150 Yen (two free songs at end)
・TeamAyu (Ayumi Hamasaki official fanclub) :2625 Yen (two free songs at the end)
Pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki will be ringing in the new year with her special concert event, 「ayumi hamasaki COUNTDOWN LIVE 2010-2011 A ~do it again~「, at Tokyo’s Yoyogi Stadium on December 30th and 31st.
For those of us who weren’t able to nab tickets, Ayu has announced that her New Year’s Eve performance (31st) will be airing via Ustream!
This is the first time that Ayu has aired an event through Ustream, and although users will have to pay to access the stream, they will get to see the entire event live and uncut. The channel will open at 1AM and the concert will begin to air at 3AM.
Tickets must be bought before the concert begins, and they are available online for 3,150 yen; Team Ayu official fanclub members can get them at a discounted price for 2,425 yen.
So what are you waiting for, Ayu fans? Grab the best seat in the house and prepare to rock out with the Queen!

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濱崎あゆみ、史上初の1stから13年連續アルバム首位 濱崎步新專輯奪冠 連13年稱霸日本

2011 年 01 月 01 日 發表留言


日本流行教主濱崎步推出新輯「Love songs戀曲集」,發行首週就勇奪公信榜冠軍,出道至今已累積17張冠軍專輯,這次還刷新個人紀錄,創下日本樂壇連13年專輯奪冠的紀錄。
濱崎步與同門師弟AAA的團員浦田直合作發行的單曲「Dream ON」,也同樣名列公信榜單曲第1名。在睽違9年3個月後,再度為自己締造專輯和單曲雙雙稱霸公信榜的佳績。
Ayumi Hamasaki’s new album & collaboration single top Oricon
by Shiso on December 28, 2010
Hamasaki Ayumi’s 12th original album, 「Love songs」 (released on December 22nd), sold 180,000 copies during the first week and topped the Oricon Weekly Album Chart for January 3rd.
Hamasaki also released a collaboration single, 「Dream ON「, with AAA’s Urata Naoya under the name of 「URATA NAOYA feat. ayumi hamasaki」 on the same day, and it topped Oricon weekly single chart as well.
Hamasaki has been on top of Oricon charts four albums in a row (total 17 albums) since 「A COMPLETE ~ALL SINGLES~」 (released on September 2008), and with this album, she has broken her own record for having a #1 album in 13 consecutive years since the release of her first album in 1999.
Moreover, it’s been a year and eight months since a collaboration single has topped the Oricon single chart, after the single 「It’s all Love!」 last accomplished the feat as a collaboration between Koda Kumi and her sister, misono.

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濱崎步宣佈結婚消息 濱崎あゆみ、結婚を電擊發表。お相手はPVで共演の俳優

2011 年 01 月 01 日 發表留言


Hamasaki Ayumi is getting married!

by Shiso on December 31, 2010
On January 1st 2011, Hamasaki Ayumi has announced that she is getting married on her fan club site 「TeamAyu.」 According to the announcement on 「TeamAyu」, her groom is Austrian actor, Manuel Schwarz who Ayu co-stared with in her PV’s for 「Virgin Road「, 「Last angel「, and 「Love song.」
Their first encounter was during the shoot for 「Virgin Road」 held in L.A in August 2010, and Manuel appeared in her PV as Ayu’s husband. They met again at the shoot for 「Last angel」 and 「Love song」, but it seems like they kept in touch with each other through emails and phone calls.
Ayu wrote, 「I, Hamasaki Ayumi, met irreplaceable love, as a human being, and as a female. I am sure that we are at the closest place as eternity. Many who was my husband in the PV for 『Virgin Road』, will be my husband in my real life!!!!!」
According to her agency, they will register their marriage sometime soon, and Ayu is not pregnant. At this moment, there has not been any information about her future activities

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